Kateline hated her job. Clients never quite seemed to be satisfied with the work she did. They always had one thing or the other to complain about.

"I hate this color. Makes the project look too dull,' said one client

"I have been calling you all morning. Why are you not picking my call? Are you ignoring me because you aren't done with my project," shouted another angrily on the other end of the line.

"This project is really urgent. Ditch all the others you have and finish mine this evening," bickered another authoritatively.

All this pressure almost got her to her wits ends. Not to mention that her friends were getting married right left and center while her relationship with her boyfriend of 5 years was crambling. And did I mention her aunts back in the village in Kiaritha were already asking, "Tunakuja kula mchele lini?" Loosely translated to, 'When are you bringing your suitor? You need to be married by now.' 

Then to top it all up, with all the stress surrounding her, her body was bearing the brunt of it all. Frequent visits to the doctor had become her routine every fortnight. After a series of tests, no prognosis came her way...

If we are all honest with ourselves, this sounds like the story of our lives. There will be days when an unkind word from a loved one will run you down. An angry client might ruin your day. A bad report from your doctor might discourage you. Life will have a way of throwing you off balance and off your feet and you will want to wallow in your anger, despair or sadness. I want to encourage you today.

A couple of days ago, I was having a really bad day at the office. Too much was going on and I remember a word dropped in my spirit. 'Encourage yourself in the Lord'. (The Holy Spirit is amazing right?) So I thought to Google it. Here were my findings.

David and his soldiers were back from fleeing from King Saul (Read 1Samuel 28 and 29 to get the context)...and when they got to Ziklag (1Samuel 30) where their children and wives were, they found had been taken captive by the Amalekites. 

David's men were livid and wanted to stone him to death. I think because they we were busy protecting David from King Saul and had left their families with no one to take care of them.

But do you know what David did? Get this "David encouraged Himself in the Lord His God"(1Samuel30: 16). It was after this that he gathered his soldiers and with 400 of them who were not tired, went and rescued his family and that of his soldiers from where they were held hostage. Not one of them was missing...

Do you feel like despair or discouragement is your best space to retreat to? Far be it from you that you should even think it. Choose to take the high road and learn from David. Ask that the Holy Spirit would encourage you in the situation you are in. Remind you of scripture that will revive your spirit. Once He does, begin to proclaim these scriptures over your life. Encourage yourself in the Lord.

How do I encourage myself in the Lord you will ask?

Stand On His Promises
Remember the song, 'Standing on the promises of God'? (I can already see you nodding your head if you're an oldie like me. It’s a really old hymn. Alan Jackson redid it recently. You should listen to it. There is nothing like some good old authentic country gospel musicπŸ˜ƒ). I digress. 

Stand on the promises that God declared over you folks. Did He say you will be the richest man in Kasipul Kabondo and the business you put up is nowhere near breaking even? You had better plaster that promise He made clear to you on the pages of your heart and wall of your bedroom and daily remind yourself. Because you know what, ‘God is no man that He should lie.’ Numbers 23:13 and ‘Whatever work He began in you He will surely complete it.’ Philippians 1: 6

Write down scriptures that will revive your heart.
Has your lecturer or worse yet your boss said you are good for nothing? How about you refer to the book Philippians 4: 13 which says, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ Does the doctor’s report remind you of your eminent death? Declare that 'You will live and not die but declare what the Lord has done' Psalms 118: 17.

I am convinced that His word is Spirit and life. Psalms 19 'Your words Oh Lord are Spirit and Life'. The very living and breathing word of God will surely breathe life into your discouraged spirit. Try it today. Write down one on two scriptures that speak into your situation. (You will be surprised that the Bible has answers to everything). Write them down on a sticky note and stick it on some wall, sing a song that reminds you of it. Do whatever it takes to remind yourself what God says but do not allow yourself to wallow in self-pity, self-doubt or self- hate.

Cast your burdens, unto Jesus cause He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 (I'm certain we all sung this nursery hymn during the school parade). Well it certainly is true. Cast all your cares to the Lord. There is nothing a sincere prayer to Jesus can’t cure. Ask Him for direction or peace or encouragement, whatever you want from Him, ask of Him. He may not give you the answer there and then, but He sure will put your mind at ease. Psalms 46: 1. ‘God is our refuge and strength, our very present help in times of trouble’ and ‘…those who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.’ Roman 10: 13.

I must admit that there are so many ways to encourage ourselves in the Lord. I could not exhaust them all.

However, we will all agree that with God and the Bible, we will never go wrong when we come face to face rock bottom. When all odds are against you, your father in Heaven will always be for you. Remain in Him. Abide in Him.


Want to chip in? Drop a comment in the section, I would love to hear from you. Be kind😊😊😊


  1. This is beautiful. An amazing reflection of our own lives. Truly it takes one iron to sharpen another. When you see a sharp iron beware of another sharp equally if not more sharper than that one.
    Please keep writing, keep learning, keep listening and keep growing.

  2. So so encouraging!!�� I loved it. Thanks for sharing hun!��

    1. Thank you so much Anne. I'm glad you were encouraged dear😊

  3. Beautiful read.♥️♥️♥️. Blessings πŸ‘ŠπŸ‘ŠπŸ‘Š

  4. My favorite verse Philippians 4:13...

    1. Thank you Tjay. I'm glad you have been reminded of the declaration 😊


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