"Do you want to discover your purpose? Find true happiness?"

Nyaruai was scrolling through her TV set after a hard day's work when she came across the TV ad.

Nyaruai  had just found her footing after years of looking for a stable job. She felt that finding a job away from her home in Kenya would give her the break she sought. And true to her thoughts, Miami was good to her.

Her job paid her enough to live the life she always wanted. She lived in a penthouse. Drove a car she would only have dreamed of five years ago and was well on her way to getting full citizenship in the US. Her folks lived comfortably in Nyeri, courtesy of the money she sent home every month. Life was good. Or so she thought.

She still felt that something was missing but could not quite point out what. Now this TV ad sounded like the answers to her prayers. Could happiness be that missing piece to her puzzle?

"...find that peace that seems to be eluding you? Well we, my dear are the answers to your prayers." Continued the ladies voice in the advert. "At Allure Wellness Center, we connect you to the inner you, Help you discover your inner peace and  help you find your connection to the universe." The images that accompanied the advert showed men and women so content and at peace with themselves.

"This has to be it." Thought Nyaruai to herself.

"Interested?" Continued the lady in the TV. "You know you are. Call the number below your screen today and find your groove." Finished the voice on the other end. You could almost feel the broad smile on her lips as the lady signed off the advert.

Nyaruai didn't need anymore convincing. She immediately called the number and was all signed up to join the program by evening of the next day.

Fast forward five months down the line, Nyaruai discovered that the whole program was a hoax out to mint money out of celebrities and rich folks. And they were good these so called wellness gurus. Almost had her convinced she was well on her way to discovering herself. Until she discovered that the emptiness and lack of contentment she felt inside(she had now figured out what she was missing) was not being helped. She was back on square one and probably worse than she was when she joined the program.

Does this sound like you? Do you feel like you have done all there is that the world says will make you happy but nothing seems to be work? Have you tried all assortments of religions, Christianity included, done all the things you've been asked to do, but still, nothing is giving?

Perhaps, as in the case of Nyaruai, you have joined a community of people who promise to 'connect you with the inner you' through yoga among other sorts of meditation or donating more money to achieve a higher sense of godliness. (This isn't as common in Kenya. It's a practice found especially in the West)

Delve right in. Maybe I might have your answer.

This Man Jesus.

Have you met this man Jesus, and not only just met him but also taken time to know him? Well I did and I have never been happier. Not only that, he reintroduced me to myself and showed me what I was missing.

Jesus said in John 14:6 says 'I am the way the truth and the life'...basically he was saying was, I am your means to your beginning. You want to know you, know me first. Seek me and I will show you what you are looking for. Amazing right?

You could be there and you are thinking. 'But I tried that. I've grown up in church, still go to church. Im a member of different groups in our church. And I still feel empty. '

Well my friend, that is where you are wrong. You have gone to church but you have not  met the man Jesus. You are being what we call, a religious person. And religious people are not and cannot be fulfilled people.

It is by getting to know Jesus and pursuing him, daily reading the Bible and praying constantly, that we are able to find out for ourselves that we were created to be in constant communion with the one that created us. This, is when we find out that our identity can only be found in Him. That our purpose in this world can only be revealed to us when  we know that our identity is in Him.

Jesus knew to whom He belonged and what he was called into. Luke 2: 41- 49. The boy Jesus was found in the temple and when asked what He was doing there once his parents found Him, his answer was, "Why were you looking for me, did you not that I had to be in Father's house?" He knew His identity.

Even long before this, the Prophetess Anna and Simeon Luke 2:  28- 38, spoke of the things God would do through Him and blessed the Lord for everything He would do. God had it planned out long before Jesus was born.

You see, God already knows His purpose for you and it is impossible to discover and find true happiness outside the one that created you. You will not find happiness in your career, or your money or your spouse or boyfriend. Yes, you may find a bit of settlement and contentment that will last a little while, but the allure of it all will fade and before long, you will be back to looking to fill that void with the next thrill. It will be an exercise in futility.

God created you and I for a reason. We were not created to just go to schools, make money, have a family and die. God has big plans for you. Jeremiah 29.11 'For  I know the plans I have for you, plans for your future full of hope.'

Also, get this, the purpose that you were created for is for a grander plan that is bigger than yourself. It's for the equipping of the saints and the fulfilling of the great commission.

Oh, you thought your purpose was to make you rich and give you fulfillment and peace? My friend, that is where selfishness begins and needs to end, now that you know the truth. God created you for Himself to worship Him and bring him glory in the area that He has called you to reign in.

Satan knows what you are called into and will do everything in his power to make sure that you do not know your purpose and worse, that you do not know the Lord. He will fill you with lies convince you that your happiness is in things and people. He will convince you of all that mambo jumbo about seeking the truth in yourself or about finding peace by doing yoga or whatever the eastern religion asks you to do. But do not be deceived. 'The devil is a liar and the father of all lies.' John 8:44

You might be lucky and have found Jesus and gotten totally sold out to him and before long, you may have found out what God has called you into. Satan will not sit pretty and let you grow in the fullness of God's glory. He will move stones( of course He can't move mountains. We know who the mountain mover is😊. God is and because you are His son, you are as well)

Jesus knew this but did not allow anything to derail Him. In Mathew 4: 1-10, Satan attempted to derail Jesus but who tempts God? Jesus already knew what Satan was up to so He condemned Him and went ahead to fulfill what He came to earth to do.

Knowing your identity(We will look at this one day) and authority as a son of God is key to achieving what you are called into...I digress.

True fulfillment and happiness is only found in knowing God. Your creator. The one who created you is the only one who knows your specs. Connect to Him and I can assure you, the decision will not be in vain. Because 'The Lord is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.' Hebrews 11:6

Do you want to know this man Jesus? It's simple. Romans 10: 9 says 'If you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe it in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. '

Ask Jesus into your heart and watch Him fill that void and reintroduce you to yourself.

I will leave you with the song

Until, next time, as Iron sharpens Iron, so should you sharpen your fellow breathen.



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