Missed part one of the four part series, how about you start from the top and understand the genesis of all this. Start here then continue below 😊 Monday arrived faster than expected. No sooner did Martin’s share hit the accounts than the guy had all his things packed and ready to go. His dad paid him a visit numerous times trying to speak some sense into him but all he got were rolled eyes and banged doors every time he tried. The pain Cyril got on seeing his son leave that Monday morning brought untold sorrow. He couldn’t help but feel that he was losing his son for good just as he had lost his wife Maryanne. Martin drove off his father’s estate with not so much as a good bye to his family. His future never once crossed his mind. All he could think about was how he could have the time of his life. “After all, I have worked practically all my life for dad’s company. I can afford the long vacation. The future can wait.” He grinned as he drove out of his home ...