"Do you want to discover your purpose? Find true happiness?" Nyaruai was scrolling through her TV set after a hard day's work when she came across the TV ad. Nyaruai had just found her footing after years of looking for a stable job. She felt that finding a job away from her home in Kenya would give her the break she sought. And true to her thoughts, Miami was good to her. Her job paid her enough to live the life she always wanted. She lived in a penthouse. Drove a car she would only have dreamed of five years ago and was well on her way to getting full citizenship in the US. Her folks lived comfortably in Nyeri, courtesy of the money she sent home every month. Life was good. Or so she thought. She still felt that something was missing but could not quite point out what. Now this TV ad sounded like the answers to her prayers. Could happiness be that missing piece to her puzzle? "...find that peace that seems to be eluding you? Well we, my dear are the answ...