Happy new year guys😀. Its been a minute right? I know, the lazy bug bit me again. You can't blame me👼 But here we are. I wont tell you how my year is so far or if I've gained or lost some weight. For some reason that the first thing people notice when they meet post- covid, or is it just me? Anywho, lets get right into it. Shall we... A story is told of a man(Don't ask me who told the story. I don't know either) A timid guy this man was. Completely removed from the world he lived. Oblivious to the dangers and insecurities that plagued the town he lived. Whether he could hurt a fly I'm not sure. Wait I've never caught a fly. Those things are really fast. I mean who can actually testify to catching leave alone hurting a fly? Not sure why we even adapted the expression in the first place. I think our old wise men should change that quote. Maybe say something like, He couldn't hurt a chicken. Makes more sense. Right? I know a couple of guys who feel guilty mur...