Over the course of time, many critics and naysayers have come up questioning the existence of God. Their bone of contention, if God really is real, why is there so much evil in the world?Why are little kids in Syria and Afghanistan dying in wars?Why do the good people die while the bad live and exploit the good? The questions are endless. Christians bear the brunt of this tough question, with many of them at a loss of the response to give in defense of their faith. I may not be a Bible scholar or an apologetic, but allow me to indulge you for a few in this short story. I trust my little knowledge of God will sorta make sense of all this. The beginning. Now imagine you are a really old man with so much love to go around. Too much of it. In fact, so much so that you feel that this love needs more someone to share it with. So what do you do, you think to yourself, I think I should share this love with more people. So you decide, create two guys. As in like create them like...